The Best WeChat Public Accounts to Follow for Learning Chinese
Local News in Chinese
纽约时间 (WeChat ID: NYandBeyond) is a New York City-based news outlet. We love it because it’s updated on a daily basis, relevant to the local communities, and well-edited by professional journalists.
TimeOut北京 (WeChat ID: TimeOutnews) is just like TimeOut everywhere. They’re ultimate professionals who can find out where the fun is. TimeOut北京, like its name, is dedicated to Beijing. Not too helpful if you’re in New York. But, it’s still fun to check out. Sometimes, it even makes us feel a little homesick.
Must-Reads on Chinese Culture
知中 (WeChat ID: ZHICHINA2017) is originally a series of published books produced by a dedicated and focused team. They have gone out and interviewed experts from many different fields. Now, it has incarcerated into its digital form. If you’re in China, I would highly recommend buying one of their books (ideally, all of them).
Check out their sister account 知日 (WeChat ID: zhi_japan) as well if you’re into Japanese culture.
Notable Chinese News Outlets
三联 (WeChat ID: lifeweek) has a long reputable and respectful history of journalism. You can compare it to the American New York Times or the Washington Post. For decades, their team has produced the most in-depth stories on various social and cultural aspects. It still remains the peak of Chinese journalism.
第一财经 (WeChat ID: wow36kr) is for those who’re into financial and tech coverages. If you’re a loyal reader of the Wall Street Journal, Wired, or Havard Business Review, you don’t want to miss out. 第一财经.
南方周末 (WeChat ID: southernweekly), headquartered in Guangzhou, is most famous for its investigative stories.
Chinese Tech Medias
36氪 (WeChat ID: wow36kr) and 虎嗅APP (WeChat ID: wow36kr) are the Chinese Wired and TechCrunch. They will not only covered the Chinese tech industries, but also the American ones.
Also, if you’re geek enough, check out the following ones.
极客公园 (WeChat ID: wow36kr)
Keso怎么看 (WeChat ID: kesoview): Keso is a well-known blogger in the Chinese tech world. Many prominent tech leaders read his writings.
机器之心: Be careful. It’s full of machine learning papers. Super technical.
CSDN (WeChat ID: wow36kr)
Fun to Read
GQ实验室 (WeChat ID: wow36kr) has the most fun and visually entertaining content, sometimes even a little “evil”. That’s what makes them worthwhile to subscribe.
知乎日报 (WeChat ID: zhihuribao) is managed by Zhihu, the Chinese version of Quora, aka the conscience of the Chinese Internet. People ask all the interesting questions there. And, the answers are even more brilliant. WeChat ID: zhihuribao
WeLens (WeChat ID: we-lens) If you like to read the New Yorker, you wouldn’t want to miss except they don’t induce you with free tote bags.
Western Media Outlets and Their Chinese WeChat Public Accounts
The Economist (WeChat ID: TheEconomistGroup)
Bloomberg Business Week (WeChat ID: businessweek)
The Wall Street Journal (WeChat ID: wsjpie)
Scientific American (WeChat ID: huanqiukexue)
ArchDaily (WeChat ID: ADCNews)
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